January Union Meeting Recap

Greetings Brothers and Sisters of 727p,

Welcome to the summary of our January Member’s Meeting. I know it has been a bit since we had our summaries on here available but we intend to start back with it for those members who are absolutely unable to attend our meetings.

As we are sure most our membership is aware, now we hold both meetings to cover all shifts on the same day and these meetings were held on the second Wednesday, January 8th, 2025.

Our Swing Shift Meeting began at 13:04 and our Day Shift Meeting began promptly at 16:20.

If you haven’t read a summary before or attended a meeting, we start with The Pledge of Allegiance, which is then followed by the Roll-Call of our Executive Board. This meeting is the first and last of both the new members and departing members of the Executive Board.

Following the Roll-Call, our Conductor-Sentinal, Brother James Bennett, informed us that we no guests in attendance and we also had verification of quorum. This was the same at both meetings.

Following, our outgoing Recording Secretary, Sister Patricia Norman, read us the minutes of our last meetings.

This is now where, compared to our normal meetings, we had something different do. Our new officers would be sworn in and our outgoing officers would be released from duty.

With that, we’ll pause with the summary and explain the procedure of running a meeting. They are called Roberts Rules and we have a handy guide for how to conduct a well conducted Union Meeting.

ORDER OF BUSINESS The following is the order in which the items of business should be called for and acted upon at a meeting:

  1. Pledge to the Flag.

  2. Roll call of officers and noting of absentees.

  3. New applications. (We do not do this as we conduct new applications in On-Boarding)

  4. Report of committee on applications and acting on same.

  5. Initiations. (Also do not do as it is done in On-Boarding)

  6. Reading of minutes and acting on same.

  7. Installation of officers.**

  8. Examination and introduction of visiting members.

  9. Reports of Secretary-Treasurer, including receipts and disbursements since the close of last meeting.

  10. Communications, bills, etc.

  11. Reports of committees.

  12. Report on Organizing Activities.

  13. Anything for the good of the I.A.M.A.W. and discussion of subjects of an economic nature.

  14. Unfinished business.

  15. New business. Election of officers. *

  16. Reports of sick and disabled members and of relief committees.

  17. Reports of members out of work and positions vacant.

  18. Adjournment.

COMMENT: The Executive Board of the Lodge should plan in advance of the meeting an agenda of matters to be reported on or otherwise brought before the membership.

** These items are only included in the order of business of appropriate meetings.

For a more detailed look at how meetings are supposed to be ran, click the button below.

Now lets continue with the swaring in of our new officers. Our outgoing President, Brother Gerald Guerena, gave a fairwell speech before he had us repeat after him with our oath of office,

  • Brother Gerald: “Members, do you accept the offices to which you have been elected?”

    • OFFICERS-ELECT: “We do.”

  • Brother Gerald: “Raise your right hand and repeat after me.”

    • “Upon my sacred word of honor, I do solemnly promise that I will uphold the Constitution of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and faithfully perform all the duties of the office to which I have been elected, so far as I am able; that I will attend all meetings of this Lodge during my term of office when possible to do so; that I will endeavor to advance the interests of the Association and when my successor is elected and installed, I will turn over to him (or her), all books, papers, funds, or other property of the Lodge that I may have. I further promise that I will never defraud this Lodge out of anything whatever, or allow it to be defrauded, if within my power to prevent it. To all of this I most solemnly pledge my sacred word of honor.”

With that the new Executive Board took over the meetings and we continued with our order of Business.

Our Secretary-Treasurer, Brother Brett Martin, gave the report of the Secretary-Treasurer and a report of the bills to be paid.

Next, we moved to Reports from the E-Board

To start, I, your next Local 727p President, Brother Derrick Hernandez brought up about upcoming important date for our local. These are date of events coming this year as we begin to prepare for each event. The first is the upcoming, at the time of the meeting and writing of this summary, Special Called Meeting for the nominations of candidates for the Internation Election coming up. The meeting will be on Saturday, January 18th from 6:00 AM to 8:00 AM and again from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. This will be where we as a local will submit nominations for candidates for the positions on our International Executive Board. This includes the Positions of International President which is currently held by Brother Brian Bryant and General Secretary-Treasurer held by Sister Dora Cervantes. For more information, click the button below.

The next important dates to come is the process for changing out Local’s Bylaws. Submissions will begin in March so if you have a submission you’d like to make to help change our Local then be ready and stay tuned for further information.

Another important event coming in March is Steward Nominations and Elections as required. Richard should be preparing notices to be posted during the month of March for the opening of nominations and should an election be required he shall schedule that during the months of April and May. To that we will add, an incumbent Steward shall automatically be a candidate without having to be nominated, providing they meet the requirements of Article I, Section F., of the steward rules. (50% Meeting Attendance)

“Any candidate for Union Representative who is at the time a Union Representative, must have attended 50% of his/her regular and special called Union Representative meetings during the one (1) year period preceding the month of nominations.”

What this means is that for our Stewards who don’t show up, you may not be eligible for reelection. If no nominations are made, the incumbent Steward, unless they don’t meet the requirements just stated, shall be considered elected until the next election in 2 years time.

Lastly, we have our Audit coming up. It will be sometime here in the month of January for Audit the second half of 2024’s books.

Next, our new Vice President, Sister Wesley Brundige started with informing those in attendance of the upcoming bid period. Our next bid period at Lockheed Martin begins February 1st and will run through the 21st. More information will be posted on this site as we get closer with instructions for how to place bids should you choose too. Wesley and your Executive Board would also like to be available to assist anyone who needs help with the process.

Next, our Secretary-Tresurer, Brother Brett, informed us of a resolution to an on-going issue we have been having around proper compensation for our 3/12 shift. Lockheed and our Local have fixed the issue and now all that is left is figuring out any back pay element and how to proceed with that.

All our remaining members of the Executive Board wished everyone a Happy New Year and thanked everyone for their support in electing them for the Executive Board.

Now, we moved to Committee Reports

The Women’s Committee - The Women’s Committee will be meeting on Friday, January 24th. The meeting will be at Yard House located at the AV Mall and start around 4:30 PM. This meeting is for the Women’s Committee to discuss upcoming events and their path forward. You don’t have to be a woman to join so please if you are interested join us and feel free to bring your spouses if you’d like and let’s enjoy the evening and discuss our future.

The Budget Committee - The Budget Committee met on January 6th and completed a draft of the budget for 2025. Unfortunately because this is a public facing website, that information will not be posted here. You can reach our to members of the Budget Committee or the Executive Board if you wish to review the budget. After presenting the budget, the membership in attendance discussed and then voted to approve the budget for 2025.

Now, we moved to reports from the Business Representatives

Unfortunately we didn’t have any Business Reps in attendance as Brother Richard Dees was sick.

Next, we moved on to Good and Welfare.

During good and welfare, one area we spent time discussing is the goals and plans for our new Executive Board. One of our main goals is to improve engagement and participation from our membership. To get more in-depth of how we feel when it comes to our membership please click the button below and view the post we made about “What does it mean to be in a Union?”

We want you to want to be involved and enjoy the fact that we are all together in this. We also want to try and plan more community events to get ourself known through our area. We don’t want to be know as the Lockheed Union, we want to be know for who we are IAM 727p. Below you find the audio from the first meeting that began at 13:00. Its best to listen with headphones as the microphone is kept at the podium.


We had our business we needed to address. From some withdrawal cards to approving callout and food for February’s Meeting, all of which were approved.

With that we had a moment of silence for members who were sick, lost family, or were struggling with issues and then we adjourned our meetings.

Remember, stand strong and stand together,

In Solidarity,

See you at our next meeting.

Your Local 727p Executive Board


Lockheed Members - February Bid Period Information


What does it mean to be in a Union?