Local 727p Officers, Delegates, and Elective Committees
Greeting Brothers and Sisters,
Nominations have come to a close and our elections committee has certified the candidates.
The Recording Secretary shall read the names of the candidates at the next regular meetings, Wednesday November 13th. 11/13/2024.
Elections shall be held at the Local Lodge from 10:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. on the same day as our meeting in December on 12/11/2024.
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Information for the duties of each position as well as the roles of each committee and delegate is listed below.
Positions for Candidacy
- President -
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Lodge, preserve and ensure the orderly conduct of business, enforce the bylaws and all provisions of the IAM Constitution and District Lodge bylaws that apply to the Lodge, decide all points of order and in case of a tie shall cast the deciding vote. He or she shall countersign all vouchers and shall be authorized to sign checks legally drawn by the Secretary-Treasurer. He or she shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in the bylaws and shall serve as an ex officio member on all committees and it shall be his or her responsibility that all committees function properly. He or she shall administer the obligation to all new members and perform any other duties required of him or her in the bylaws, the IAM Constitution, and by the membership.
- Vice President -
The Vice President is to assist the President at all times in preserving order at Local Lodge meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over all meetings of the Local Lodge. He or she shall be authorized to sign checks, vouchers, and other legal papers of an emergency nature in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of President due to removal, death, or resignation, as set forth in the IAM Constitution.
- Recording Secretary -
The Recording Secretary shall conduct all correspondence of the Lodge, present all communications and bills to the Lodge, and deliver such bills to the Secretary-Treasurer. He or she shall sign and affix the Lodge's seal to all credentials of delegate from the Lodge and shall keep an accurate record of the minutes of all Local Lodge and Executive Board meetings, and an up-to-date roll of the Local Lodge officers and members of all committees. The Recording Secretary shall maintain adequate attendance records in order to ensure eligibility under the attendance requirements set forth in the bylaws. He or she shall keep on hand at all times, an up-to-date copy of the bylaws with amendments and changes thereto, and keep in its possession at the Local Lodge hall, and to be responsible for the Local Lodge seal. He or she shall prepare ballots for Local Lodge elections and referendums, prepare and mail to the member suitable bulletins of the Local Lodge meetings, and perform any other duties as may be required of him or her. The duties of the Recording Secretary shall include the monthly typing and filing of the minutes in the Lodge locker.
- Secretary-Treasurer -
The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all monies from any source for the benefit of the Local Lodge and deposit the same in a bank of sound financial standing in the name of Aeronautical Industrial Lodge 727-P. He or she shall keep a systematic and accurate account of all revenues and disbursements in such a way as to show the balance of cash on hand at the close of each meeting of the Lodge. He or she shall provide a copy of any and all reports to the Recording Secretary prior to any and all meetings. He or she shall be authorized to sign all checks drawn on the Local Lodge account from legally drawn executed vouchers. He or she shall turn over to the auditors at each semi-annual audit, all canceled checks and vouchers, books and statements, and render them such assistance as they may require, and perform any other duty required by the Local Lodge or IAM Constitution.
- Conductor/Sentinel -
The Conductor Sentinel shall introduce all new members to the President and shall check/verify the identifications of all members present and visitors from affiliated Locals. He or she shall ensure that those qualifying to attend sign the attendance roster. He or she shall take position near or at the door and allow no one to enter who does not qualify to do so or have the permission of the Local “727P”. He or she shall report the standing of members when directed by the President. He or she will introduce all visitors or committees from other organizations to the President, and explain briefly the object of their visit. It shall also be the duty of the Conductor Sentinel to assist the President in maintaining order at the Local's meetings.
- Board of Trustees -
The Board of Trustees shall have charge of all property belonging to the Local Lodge, shall see that all the books are properly kept, and at the expiration of each six (6) month period, shall assist the Auditing Committee in the examination of all books and accounts and verify the report of the Auditing Committee by attaching their signatures thereto. Should the work of the auditing of the books of the Local Lodge be delayed on account of the failure of one (1) or more of the Trustees to be in attendance, the auditors shall proceed to carry on the work in the same manner as though all of the Trustees were present. The Trustees of the Lodge shall be liable to the Executive Council of the Grand Lodge for all funds and other property of the Local Lodge under their control.
Delegate Positions
- California Conference of Machinists Delegate -
California Conference of Machinists Delegates shall consist of not more than three (3) members, who shall be elected for three (3) years. Election is to be held at the same time as the Local Lodge Officers. The Local Lodge shall determine the number of delegates to be elected. The Local Lodge shall determine the number of delegates to attend the meetings of the California Conference of Machinists at the regular lodge meeting prior to the California Conference Meeting. It shall be the duty of the delegate(s) to attend all meetings of the California Conference when possible to do so. If the delegate is unable to attend the meetings, he/she shall notify the Alternate and Recording Secretary in advance of said meeting; and the Alternate will then attend.
- L.A. Federation of Labor Delegate -
Two (2) or more Delegates shall be elected to the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, as provided for in the Bylaws of the Federation, to represent Lodge 727-P. The election shall be at the same time as the election of the Local Lodge Officers and the term shall be for three (3) years. If the Delegate is unable to attend the meetings, he/she will notify the alternate and Recording Secretary in advance of such meeting and the alternate will attend.
- Senior Board Delegate-
Also known as the Grievance and Negotiations Committee, there shall be three (3) Senior Board Delegates elected at the same time as the Local Lodge Officers. The term of office shall be for three (3) years. It shall be the duty of the Senior Board Member to represent members of Lodge 727-P at all Senior Board Meetings. If the Delegate is unable to attend any meeting, he/she will notify the alternate and President in advance of such meeting and the alternate will attend.
Committee Member Positions
Only Positions listed as “Elected” will appear on the Ballot.
Many Committees are positions appointed by the Elected Local Lodge President.
- Auditing Committee “Elected” -
The Auditing Committee is to consist of the Secretary-Treasurer, three (3) Trustees, and three (3) Members to be “elected” for a three (3) year term at the same time as the election of local lodge officers. Local Lodge books will be audited semi-annually. Elected Executive Board members are not eligible for election as members of the committee.
- Budget Committee “Elected” -
The Budget Committee shall consist of the Secretary-Treasurer and three (3) elected Members who will be “elected” at the same time as the local lodge officers. The term of office shall be for three (3) years. All monies not allotted for in the budget must be referred to the executive board. Recommendations will be made at the next regular meeting. The motion for spending monies in excess of the budget must be approved by three-fourths (3/4) of the members present.
- Bylaws Committee “Elected” -
The Bylaws Committee shall consist of three (3) Members to be “elected” for a three (3) year term at the same time as the Local Lodge Officers; whose duties shall be to consider and make recommendations on proposed bylaws changes.
- Negotiating Committee (Senior Board) -
The Negotiating Committee shall be made up of the elected members of the Senior Board.
- Legislative Committee “Appointed” -
The Legislative Committee shall consist of three (3) members “appointed” by the local lodge president, of which one (1) will appointed as chairperson. This committee shall be “appointed” for three (3) years. This committee shall investigate proposed legislation and make recommendations thereon. It shall study and report the significance of new labor laws, changes to existing ones, and other legislation of special interest to labor, which may be enacted. The chairperson will represent the local lodge at all district lodge legislative meetings.
- Welfare Committee “Appointed” -
The Welfare Committee shall be composed of three (3) members “appointed” by the Local Lodge President. Members of this committee shall endeavor to learn of cases of sick or bereaved members, when possible investigate them, and immediately report the names and circumstances of such cases to their committee Chairperson.
- Organizing Committee “Appointed” -
The Organizing Committee shall consist of three (3) members “appointed” by the Local Lodge President, of which one (1) will be appointed chairperson. This committee shall look into and take action upon any targeted companies along with and “lead” person/persons within said targeted companies. This committee shall work in conjunction with the District Organizing Chairman/Committee.
- Women’s Committee “Appointed” -
The Women’s Committee shall consist of three (3) members “appointed” by the Local Lodge President, of which one (1) will be appointed chairperson. This committee shall inspire to unite and strengthen women members.
- Veteran’s Committee “Appointed” -
The Veterans’ Committee shall work in coordination with IAM Grand Lodge Veterans’ Services Program in identifying, networking, and assisting IAM Military Veterans in transitioning from active duty back into civilian life, assist with employment opportunities in IAM represented workplaces, and assist with attaining benefits earned during their time of official military service. The Local Lodge President will appoint one (1) chairperson to lead this committee.