Your Local in Washington DC
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
Sister Patricia and Brother Victor have been in Washington DC attending Leadership II training this (7/22/2023 - 7/28/2023) week representing your Local Lodge 727P. They are focusing on every way in which they can improve to prepare themselves for providing you fair union representation and quality leadership.
Your Local Lodge Officers are learning about Labor History, Collective Bargaining, Advanced Stewardships, Issues and lobbying and Organizing.
Another benefit, in a classroom setting, like the ones provided at the William W Wipensinger Technology Center (W3), officers, stewards, and our fellow brothers and sisters from all over North America, are able to converse amongst the class. Discuss issues with like minded members about problems everyone sees on the shop floor. They are able to collaborate, to find solutions and different approaches that they can then bring home and apply within our membership.
One primary assignment for everyone in class was to make an appointment with our representatives within Congress to allow our issues to be heard. Patricia & Vic had joined in on a lobby with Texas representative Veronica Escobar. They were unfortunately unable to meet with any California Representatives, as none of them were in Washington at that time.
Your Local lodge officers Victor Rudder & Patricia Norman got to speak to Veronica Escobar the Texas congresswoman about issues working in a labor union.
Brother Vic and Sister Patricia Visit the front of the White House on their way to Congress.
You can rest assured knowing that Brother Vic and Sister Patricia will continue to further their education to help ensure you get the best and fair representation.